Compensation and benefits analysis with instant AI insights

Easily identify bias, trends, and pay-related impacts across your organization.

Used by HR and business leaders at:

Instant clarity without digging in spreadsheets

Get the insights you need, when you need them, without the hassle of multiple data sources and messy spreadsheets. Simply ask.

1. Ask a question

Type questions and get answers that are actionable and easy to understand.

2. Drill down

Make comparisons and look at problems from different angles.

3. Act and align

Share insights across your org to drive performance and business outcomes.

All your compensation and benefit insights in one place

Make informed fixed compensation decisions with the right data on tap. Negotiate benefits, build base packages, and make overtime pay decisions with a new level of speed and confidence

Take the heavy lifting out of setting variable pay, bonus incentives, and employee stock ownership plans. See the impacts of your current variable compensation plans and refine or recalibrate for greater retention and cost-effectiveness.

Make decisions around employee benefits with a clear understanding of recruitment and retention impacts. Rely on data and not your gut when setting healthcare benefits, paid time off, and tuition reimbursement.

100x faster

Than manual people analytics turnaround

the cost

Of legacy people analytics software

Instant answers

To all talent-related business questions

Why HR leaders are embracing Praisidio

A very powerful tool and a great team to back it up!
Immediate insights in the room where decisions happen makes such a strong, positive impact.
A must-have tool in any modern HR tech stack.

Your HR and business data integrated into a single source

Praisidio puts you in the driving seat by uniting up to 40 data sources into a single real-time feed and applying instant analysis whenever you ask a question.

Frequently asked questions

What else can I do with Praisidio?

Praisidio is used by HR and leadership to generate analysis on the fly for any topic related to talent or their impact on the organization. Analysis can be either real time or predictive.

Will sensitive data be visible to everyone in my org?

Praisidio has built-in security guardrails. Fine-grain role-based access controls ensure that sensitive data is only seen by those with authorization.

How long does it take to get started?

Integration and onboarding takes a single day. If your data requires cleaning and alignment, we'll do this at no charge in the following days.

Get instant answers to your compensation questions today

Give your HR and leadership the data they need to make nimble decisions and plan with confidence.